Some may have dismissed my previous post as ludicr0us in its content- "you can not sum up a composer's entire artistic achievement in two words" they might want to say.
Come on, people, im having fun. And while it aint legitimate criticism of a composer, two words like "the suck" can clearly and aptly express my emotional reaction to a composer's works. I am aware, as im sure other bloggers are, that this is not substantial or particularly meaningful way to discuss an artist's work.
Yes, it serves to provoke others, but you know what? provoking a reaction can be healthy- it can inspire thought and reflection, both good things. Im not saying launching controversy bombs is a proper method of posting all the time, but neither is stifling seriousness. Besides, i like getting comments.
Furthermore, the argument that "it shows the writer's ignorance" is based off of flawed logic, making the writer of such an argument look rather ignorant themselves. In such circumstances, the proponent of this argument is perceiving themselves to be in the absolute right, as if there is no argument or reasoning for them which could explain why the writer likes or dislikes a composer. The writer is perceived as ignorant for liking or disliking such and such artist, rather than being perceived as ignorant for constructing a bad or uninformed argument. If, when questioned, the poster shows no logical basis for their dislike for a composer, or that they show a lack of understanding of that artist's work, then yes, you can deem them ignorant if you want, but in these circumstances, that assumption only underline's your own problems.
And Goddamnit! People need to stop insulting Mr. Tchiakovsky! Please, if you insist upon damning him as a composer, give me a good argument for it- or- if you think you can write better music- please, be my guest and write me something better than the 4th symphony and/or his nutcracker and/or The Sleeping Beauty, and/or the 5th, 6th symphonies and/or violin concerto and/or The Seasons and/or Eugene Onegin and/or String Quartet in D and/or the String Serenade . I will pay handsomely.
thank you and goodnight.
1 year ago
Hah. I was trying to have a little fun with it myself and see where it gets me.
I'll just add it to my list.
Point is (seriously), today I might not like the work of composer X. Tomorrow I might feel differently. Happens all the time.
Why make lists in the first place?
Two words that might be applicable to many a contemporary work:
Mostly harmless.
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