Sunday, February 10, 2008

Terry Riley - Poppy No Good and the Phantom Band (1968)

I love you Poppy No good, and the band aint bad either.

....Currently reading about Mughals and their reforms. Have a midterm in my Mughal history class on tuesday. Lots and lots of history to cover, from the Delhi Sultanate till emperor Jahangir. I should say- I think Akbar is my favorite emperor ever, but Hadrian comes in a close second.m Then again, we havent yet gotten to Shah Jahan, and i like me my architecture.

But then again, almost all emporors were assholes. Kinda comes with the job.

1 comment:

time said...

one of the best records ever: Terry Riley's 'A Rainbow in Curved Air'...

And then all wars ended / Arms of every kind were outlawed and the masses gladly contributed them to giant foundries in which they were melted down and the metal poured back into the earth / The Pentagon was turned on its side and painted purple, yellow & green / All boundaries were dissolved / The slaughter of animals was forbidden / The whole of lower Manhattan became a meadow in which unfortunates from the Bowery were allowed to live out their fantasies in the sunshine and were cured / People swam in the sparkling rivers under blue skies streaked only with incense pouring from the new factories / The energy from dismantled nuclear weapons provided free heat and light / World health was restored / An abundance of organic vegetables, fruits and grains was growing wild along the discarded highways / National flags were sewn together into brightly colored circus tents under which politicians were allowed to perform harmless theatrical games / The concept of work was forgotten...